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How to Win the Security Fight: Quick Tips for CISOs and Organizations

Win the security fightAs the security landscape continues to grow increasingly complex, harboring an arsenal of threats and vulnerabilities, it is high time for organizations to formulate a robust cybersecurity strategy. One needs to consider that enterprises experience a loss of $3.92 on average due to data breaches.

One reason for increasing data breaches is that every organization thinks they are not at risk of cyber-attacks. The issue should be addressed by hiring a CISO (Chief Information Security Officer) who serves as the cybersecurity leader. The CISO’s role is to manage the cyber risks that the organization is facing. They prioritize what is crucial to risk management, define and explore it, and develop ways to control the situation. If you’ve hired an ineffective CISO, the chances of your security strategy succeeding are meager. To propagate security within enterprises and organizations, we’ve compiled an excellent article that delves into some of the most commonly encountered challenges CISOs face, along with the steps they can take to combat those threats.



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Role of CISO in Maintaining Security

When it comes to combating threats, the most significant step that CISOs (Chief Information Security Officer) can take is to alter their attitudes. Instead of limiting pressing security matters to the relevant teams, enterprises need to believe that cybersecurity is the entire organization’s responsibility. The slightest mistake of even one employee could have devastating consequences for the company as a whole.

Organizations must formulate well-defined security plans with effective yet attainable security goals. For this to work out, companies must employ the “right” cybersecurity leader to guide employees through the security measures that have been used and overlook the entire cybersecurity strategy. Unfortunately, many modern organizations are in denial of the urgency with which security matters need to be resolved and continue to harbor the misheard belief that they face no severe risk, which could not be further away from the reality of the situation.

As the threat landscape continues to evolve at a mind-boggling speed, many companies would rather accept the possibility of a cyberattack as an ‘unavoidable security event’ instead of employing innovative security measures that prevent these assaults from occurring in the first place. The only way that companies stand a chance against cybercriminals is to accept their reality. Moreover, employ robust cybersecurity leadership and values, fostering a strong security culture within the enterprise.

Companies tend to forego the significance of appointing a trustworthy cybersecurity leader, which almost always ends in disaster. Succeeding in cybersecurity isn’t just a matter of dumb luck; instead, companies need to utilize an arsenal of proficiencies, including special skills, contextual knowledge, along with a thorough understanding of risks and how to mitigate them. At the center of the security strategy, the cybersecurity leader bears responsibility for cohesion within the security team, effective communication between the entire organization, devising cybersecurity plans, prioritizing threats, and articulating value.


What Challenges Do CISOs Face?

CISOs carry a massive responsibility on their shoulders. Not only are they tasked with propagating security values within the workforce, but they also have to maintain a robust cybersecurity infrastructure- one which leaves no room for cybercriminals to exploit. Unlike the challenges encountered in IT, the threats faced by CISOs are frequently changing, which makes prevention against them an extremely arduous task. As malicious agents grow increasingly sophisticated in their attacking techniques, it is up for CISOs and organizations to undergo a similar evolution in their security measures if they wish to succeed in the fight against cybercriminals.

The CISO’s job is to develop strategies that enable prevention against the threats occupying the digital landscape today and the vulnerabilities that may arise in the future. To ensure the longevity of the cybersecurity infrastructure, the CISO must find the optimal balance between the risks, costs, and effective usability factors. Some other responsibilities that the CISO needs to carry out include:

  • Articulating-managing and conveying the complex set of evolving cyber risks to the organization.
  • Addressing the slightest change within the developed security strategy and staying in lockstep with the process shifts implemented across the company.
  • Bringing higher-level executives on board with the developed security plan and garnering the support of every vendor and employee.
  • Monitor the integration of appropriate cybersecurity endpoint tools.


Managing Cyber Risk Within the Organization

The most difficult challenge that a CISO can encounter is effectively prioritizing, managing, and eliminating the cyber risks facing their organization. If an enterprise were to drop the ‘management’ part out of their security strategy, it would prove too expensive and burdensome to eliminate all threats- which is why prioritizing and managing threats is vital for the company’s cybersecurity infrastructure success. The goals must be defined, and possible avenues for control explored to decide what is most important to a risk management initiative.

The organization’s risk desire is defined through an executives-and-board discussion. It should be expressed in both qualitative and quantitative terms for clarity and metrics tracking. For any security strategy to succeed in its implementation for the long run, setting up achievable goals is highly essential. However, CISOs must do their due diligence and devise plans that foster security values instead of diminishing them.


The Bottom Line

The current state of the present-day threat landscape might make it difficult for employees and CISOs alike to maintain a positive attitude. But a silver lining to look forward to is that most large-scale companies have started to understand the significance of security and now include cybersecurity skills into the C-suite, and in some cases, even the board of directors. However, it is still the responsibility of every single employee to remain vigilant and exercise cybersecurity practices!

The post How to Win the Security Fight: Quick Tips for CISOs and Organizations first appeared on IEEE Computer Society.

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