Important Dates

  • Deadline: 18 June 2023

After successfully organizing the fifth conference of this series, International Association for Educators and Researchers (IAER), registered CIC (Community Interest Company) in England and Wales, is happy to arrange the Sixth International Conference on Computing, Electronics and Communications Engineering 2023 (iCCECE ’23), which will be held from 14th – 16th August, 2023, at University of Wales Trinity St. David, Swansea, Wales, UK. The conference will draw together researchers and developers from academia and industry. iCCECE ’23 is technically co-sponsored by the University of Wales Trinity St. David, UK as well as the IEEE Computer Society (IEEE CS) and its Technical Community on Computer Communications (TCCC) (Conference Record # 59400) and the conference content shall be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases. The Proceedings of the past iCCECE conferences are available online in IEEE Xplore. For inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library, the papers must adhere to the IEEE Conference A4 Paper size (NOT US Letter) guidelines and formatting instructions for which can be found here.

The easiest way to do this is to download and use the IEEE MS Word A4 template. Selected papers for consideration for further publication from the conference may be recommended for the following journals, as shown in the table below. This will be after they have been asked to be substantially extended and enhanced. However, the journals’ respective Editor-in-Chief and the members of the Executive Board will make the final decision
about the inclusion of the papers. Furthermore, invited extended papers will be published in an edited book by Springer-Verlag.

Submission​ ​Guidelines

Work in progress, research papers, survey papers, application and theoretical papers, poster presentations and position papers for the workshop are all welcome.

More information found here. 

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